About us

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Change For Africa

We are a group of volunteers and companies that are destined to help Africa get out of bad leadership and assist other patriotic Organisations of like minds that are in need of some aid.


(+234) 817 553 9075 (+234) 703 794 5593
  South Africa
(+27) 73 845 8354 (+27) 73 776 7635


Change for Africa Foundation has a strict NO MONEY donation policy. We do not ask for money, and we will not accept money donations (nor should any of our members). We want to break away from the idea that you need cash money donation to help a cause. All too often we see money getting donated to an institution and then it disappearing without a trace. Instead of cash money donation Change for Africa Foundation aims to donate our time, services and products- helping the problem directly. Add your thoughts, opinions and personal definitions about “No Money” below in our comments box of what it means to help someone or something out without itDonec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc,

Change for Africa Foundation does not not believe in violence, war or protest. We strongly believe that with sacrifice and obedient to the rule of law will lead to unconditional love that will bring us everlasting prosperity.

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Life at Busyness

Panel - Awareness On Good Governance


It will start from the urban cities down to the rural areas...


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Introduction to Elder Statement as Traditional Rulers for Endorsement


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Change for Africa foundation does not believe in violence, war or protest. We strongly believe sacrifice and obedience to the rule of law is our best path to national development and love for one another.

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Federal Ministry of Justice Headquarters Suite 4-5 Obasanjo Auditorium Hall FCT Abuja

South Africa